The Pulsar + Audiense integration will change your marketing

20th November 2018

If you're a planner, strategist, or analyst at an agency or brand, you probably use at least a couple of tools to understand your audience on social media: a conversation analysis tool, and an audience segmentation tool.

Today, we're excited to bring those two together in one end-to-end solution, thanks to our new product integration between Pulsar and Audiense – the best tool out there for audience segmentation.


This integration allows you to seamlessly carry over with just one click the audience of a Pulsar TRAC search into Audiense, where you can map it and identify the key communities and personas in that conversation.

It also allows you to take any of those communities and plug them back into Pulsar to run a social media panel and understand their conversation, again, with just one click.

This second integration from Audiense into Pulsar is just as seamless, and you can see how it works on this video.


The problem with marketing personalization

Why did we build this?

You are likely familiar with the problem of marketing personalization: your audience is never as monolithic as you expect it to be, and your marketing will suffer if your message is not fine-tuned around the key personas in that audience.

Traditional marketing techniques tend to use demographic information like age, nationality, or profession to segment and cluster an audience.

But for the most part, demographic audience segmentation is not nearly as helpful as a behavioral one, which shows audience sub-communities clustering around specific interests and location-based passions.

Yet the traditional way to segment an audience requires enormous amounts of time, energy and money, and the results are static segments which tend to age very quickly.

That’s where the Pulsar/Audiense audience segmentation integration kicks in.

It is a tool to automate audience segmentation around behavioral signals, yielding data-driven audience segments that can be updated in real-time: all in just one click.

The best part? With our new Community feature, you can then bring those segments back into Pulsar and zoom in on what (and how) each community is talking about a topic. 


Predicting Virality

But understanding how the audience you are trying to reach is segmented is not just useful to refine your message.

In past research, we found that audience segmentation is a predictor of virality: how will different kinds of content spread? Will it spread fast and burnout in 48 hours, or will it spread slowly but keep driving engagement for a couple of weeks?

And how can you help it spread faster? Who are the best influencers and gateways to help you reach the majority of the audience you’re trying to reach?

The Pulsar-Audiense integration allows you to answer questions with just a few clicks.

Ok, how do I check it out?

If you’re not a client yet, go ahead and book a demo to get a quick tour of our audience intelligence platform, including this integration.

If you are a Pulsar user and want to give it a go, just get in touch with your account manager and we’ll switch it on pronto.