Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis: A once intensely private conversation moves online

Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis: A once intensely private conversation moves online

  • Health

1st November 2022


Conversations about healthcare, once limited to very private or medicalised spaces, have moved increasingly online. Both patients and healthcare professionals have taken to a wide variety of different platforms to foster communities of support, advice and opinion that spans the globe.


We analyzed over 1.7 million English-language posts made on platforms including Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, YouTube, Amazon, Blogs, Forums, doctor’s network Sermo, and online news.


Download this report to access eczema and atopic dermatitis insights, including:

  • How discussion around the conditions, and the language used, has evolved.
  • What the patient experience looks like, from triggers through to clear skin.
  • How healthcare professionals intersect with the patient population, and disseminate information 
  • How distinct audience segments show differing affinities towards triggers and treatments.

To access these insights, simply fill in the form below.