Never miss a moment: introducing the Pulsar Mobile App

Never miss a moment: introducing the Pulsar Mobile App

31st August 2023


The conversation never stops. But you simply cannot be attached to your desk at all hours, for fear of missing out. That’s why we’ve introduced the Pulsar Mobile App. It gives you the flexibility and convenience of focusing elsewhere, whilst remaining one click away from being the first to spot an escalating crisis or emergent trend. 


The App, available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play, carries over several familiar functions from the desktop experience, so that a task or workstream can start in one place and be completed in another. 

Using the Mobile App, a user can monitor coverage across Online News, Print, Broadcast and Social Media. Better still, you can also apply advanced filters, to quickly surface the most important content, and save these into Shortlists. These can then be viewed and analyzed, either on the app or on the desktop version.


Clearly, this tool can be a gamechanger for crisis management, enabling users to act proactively and as early in a burgeoning crisis as possible. But it also allows professionals across the Marketing, PR and Comms spaces more flexibility over how and when they choose to engage with the conversations that matter to them. 

This app is one of many new innovations and improvements we’ve made as part of our move to Pulsar 3.0. A single powerful logic that unites exhaustive coverage with an in-depth view of the audiences and, as typified by the app, an intuitive route to powerful insight.

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